Tuesday, October 4, 2011

There was no Microsoft in 1498.

Here are my three good things for today:

1.  I love fall weather!  So much!! I am now officially in the mood to carve a pumpkin.* It was the most perfectly beautiful day outside—crispy in the morning, cool in the afternoon, and should be stupendous sleeping weather tonight. I went to Kohl's after work in the hopes of expanding my wardrobe to include some long-sleeved shirts (apparently I got rid of all of mine in a fit of insanity a few months ago), but couldn't find anything that looked like it would retain it's structural soundness after a wash. Bummer, but it was so nice outside that I didn't really care :)

2.  Alison and I debated the merits of the word "concatenate."  From the Latin concatenare, to link together. We determined that it is perfectly acceptable to use outside of computer-data-related conversation, as the first known usage of the word was in the fifteenth century. That is definitely pre-Excel.  

3.  I finished my homework!  I feel like I'm in high school again.  Sheesh.

What are your three good things?

*I don't know why I'm getting so excited for Halloween this year. It's probably because I have an awesome costume. Also, I love holidays.   

Thursday, September 29, 2011

OMG goggles goggles goggles. And I cooked dinner.

Here are my three good things for today:

1.  MY GOGGLES CAME IN THE MAIL.  Even more awesome than I expected, which is saying a lot, because I expected much. I just want to wear them all the time!! They are SO FLIPPING COOL. Too bad I have to wait for Halloween.

2.  I cooked dinner again this evening without disaster.*  Chicken and mushrooms! Took rather longer than I had expected, but all in all it was a grand success.

3.  The rain stopped just in time for me to leave work without damaging my leather boots.  I have a singular gift for selecting weather-inappropriate footwear while I get ready in the morning. Fortunately, I got lucky today :)

What are your three good things?

*Except for a burn on the inside of my upper-arm. My mom was like, "Sweetie, how did you manage that? Normal people don't burn themselves there." I'm gifted, Mom. Not everyone can do what I did.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

If you happen to be family of Bobbety Cranborne, you may not want to read this because I make fun of his name and you might get offended.

Here are my three good things for today:

1.  Post-gym showers always make me feel super-squeaky-clean.  In fact, I can't think of a time when I feel more clean than when I shower directly after exercising. Thinking... thinking... yup, that's it.

2.  My family has a Netflix subscription.  This means that I could watch Dr. Who all night long if I wanted to. I am in a very deep Dr. Who phase at the moment.* I'm currently catching up on everything that I've missed. Everyone should watch this show because it is SO AWESOME.

3.  I'm loving the book I'm reading right now.  'Chips': The Diaries of Sir Henry Channon. I love true stories. And this one is so much fun because it covers the Abdication Crisis and World War II, all from the perspective of a real-life MP. I LOVE inside ball. And one of the other MPs is named Bobbety Cranborne (a man!), which just makes it so much better. I mean, his real name is Robert, but he is called Bobbety. In my opinion, if you have your eye on a serious political career, you might want to go for something a bit more macho than Bobbety. It brings to mind Peter Rabbit. I'm just sayin'.

What are your three good things?

*I really want a floating TARDIS for my desk at work. I'm not going to spend money on it, but if the universe is listening, it would be great if I could, like, find one just sitting by the side of the road or something. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Zeya the Wonder-Cat.

Here are my three good things for today:

1.  The visitors at work only stayed for a couple of hours this morning.  This means that I was allowed to eat my lunch at my desk like normal, instead of being forced to eat in the break room with all the loud people.*

2.  I thought my friend's cat was going to die, but it looks like she might be okay.  She has a mass in her abdomen, but it's not attached to any vital organs, and it appears to be shrinking. Vet is cautiously optimistic. This is good news, because she's a very sweet little cat and I'm quite attached to her.

3.  Avocado club eggrolls.  I don't think I need to say anything more about that.

What are your three good things?

*They seem to think that when I'm sitting alone reading, it means that what I actually want is to have a conversation. This is not what I want. I want to look up and exchange pleasant hellos, and then continue reading. They are very nice people, but not the most adept when it comes to recognizing social cues.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I think I might be a cheese robot. Don't tell anyone.

Here are my three good things for today:

1.  Picnic at Pepsico and general wandering around White Plains/Purchase with Ally, Meg, and Katie.  We have a gift for making it seem as if all the years between graduation and now didn't actually happen, and that we were just in college five minutes ago. Perfect day! Couldn't have made it better if I tried.

2.  There was a lot of cheese at our picnic this afternoon.  I did not know that it was possible for me to eat that much cheese and suffer no adverse consequences. I must not be human.*

3.  I managed to get Katie to the train with one minute to spare.  She made it! I am good.

What are your three good things?

*There was blueberry cheese, you guys.  BLUEBERRY CHEESE.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I made dinner tonight. Not kidding.

Here are my three good things for today:

1.  I cooked dinner tonight!  I mean real food!* I did not burn myself, or the kitchen. Great strides were made in my personal evolution as a human this evening.

2.  I tried coffee (a pumpkin spice latte, to be specific) and did not like it.  I do not need a caffeine addiction.

3.  Part of my Halloween costume came in the mail!  A black and gold brocaded, fully-steel-boned corset with brass hook-and-eye clasps down the front. This is going to be the best Halloween ever.

What are you three good things?

*There were grown up ingredients like sherry and walnuts involved.

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Nerf archery skills aren't what they used to be.

Here are my three good things from the weekend:

1.  Alison and I started sorting through the contents of her office.  This is good, because the quicker the office becomes the new guest bedroom, the quicker I can stop sleeping on the sofa-bed.* My super-incredible upstairs guest bedroom with fireplace has been appropriated by the man and woman of the house for the new master bedroom, so I've got to move downstairs. Ah, well. Into each life a little rain must fall. And I will have a new place to sleep before the winter!

2.  I had a very intense backyard sword fight with the Heather boys on Saturday.  You haven't suffered true humiliation until you've been hamstrung by an eight-year-old. Although I will say in my own defense that my only weapon was a Nerf bow and arrow. Not very effective in close combat situations, but good fun all around.

3.  Lamb and leeks for dinner on the screen porch last night.  Very autumnal. And delicious.

What are your three good things?

*However, as sofa-beds go, this one is rather comfortable. Or at least it became so once I discovered that if I just sleep in the middle of the bed in the first place, I'll stop rolling towards it. I'm too embarrassed to tell you how long it took for me to figure that out.